Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Assembling the Team Part 6: Dane and Drew Van Oort

This is the last of these, seriously, I promise.

My mom grew up with Dane and Drew's mom, Karen. They were friends for years, and then I think they kinda fell out of touch as they went on with their lives. I could probably call either of them and get a more accurate story, but that'd be more work.

I'm lazy. Sue me.

But whenever I went to my grandma's house, they were around. We hung out as kids whenever our parents were in the same vicinity, but we didn't live near each other so there wasn't much more to it.

But then came the internet.

Sweet, glorious internet.

We reconnected on AIM, and they even took me to my first concert.

Suburban Legends. They're adorable.

Dane got to be real good at art, and Drew got to be real good with cameras. Especially useful since he also owned a D90, Drew came on as our second cameraman. The only way our shoot was possible on the schedule we had was to roll two cameras at all times, so thank the lord we had him on board.

I frequently consult Dane with ideas on scripts and harebrained schemes, so Brickwalk was no different. He also ended up designing the website. And this is their super awesome sticker website [end plugs].

We're supposed to all get together to do the poster soon, and I've got plans for the end credits that I haven't told Dane about yet, but I'm hoping he'll help (Dane, if you're reading this, please help with the end credits).

And now, as it's the only picture I actually have of one of them, I present me and Drew as babies.

Shh, I'll be gentle.

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